I took the Hanzomon Line until Aoyama-itchome, then I changed for the Toei Oedo Line until Shinjuku.
The Toei Oedo doesn't belong to the Metro, so I had 100 Yen extra to change the lines.
I left the train at Yoyogi station to get to the Book Off which is near the station, a very small Book Off with only 1 floor and a small product range, but never the less I found something.
Then I went up some stairs to the Tokyo Time Square Plaza, went into the Eddie Bauer store, but left it very soon, because the prices were a bit too high.
Then I went streight to the Kinokuniya after taking some pictures.
There I bought some guide books from Fire Emblem and Last Story I also asked for the Fire Emblem Awakening artbook and a Guide book for Tokyo Jungle, they didn't have it there but at the Main Store in the eastern part of Shinjuku, so they preserved these items for me.
At the Book Off I saw a sign of 2 other Book Offs in Shinjuku, one I already knew, but not the second, so I began to search for it, it should have been close to the JR station and almost next to the Yodobashi Camera store, maybe it was but I didn't find it so I went back to the JR area and headed for the eastern Book Off and Kinokuniya.
I also passed a huge place, where many people meet and which seems to be the border between the skyscraper district in the west and the amusement district in the east.
Around 150 m from there was the Book Off, on the lower floor there were stores where they offered clothes and accesoires, like the Suit Company and others.
On the 5th floor Book Off started, they had an enormous range of products, many game guides, games DVDs, CDs and so on, I got kinda stuck at the game guide section and couldn't decide which to take, finally after I guess 1 hour I took a guide for Decidia Final Fantasy 012.
The Book Off was followed by an empty stomach and the will to fill it, so I went to restaurant area under the Kinokuniya, which was only a few seconds away, I had great curry, it was the stamina curry, very very tasty.
As fast as it was served it was eaten for 700 Yen, very awesome one.
There were 2 things left on my list, visiting the Kinokuniya and there shop called Forest, where the artbook was already waiting for me and the Artnia Square Enix shop, which I forget after the Forest but that's OK, so I have one more reason to get to Shinjuku again.
I headed back to the hotel very early today to ensure enough sleep and to relax a bit.
I guess that's all for now.
Tomorrow it's time for rest of Akiba and maybe the Artnia Square Enix Shop.
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