Samstag, 23. Mai 2015

[RePlay] The Legend of Zelda a Link to the Past # 3 on Retro-Saturday

Once again it's Time for the new [RePlay] Episode with The Legend of Zelda a Link to the Past.

Today we've entered the 2nd temple, it's located in the desert. To enter the dungeon we need the book Mudora from the library, therefore we use the Pegasus Bootgot from Sahasralha after finishing the first temple.

The temple's treasure is the power glove - now we can lift up bright rocks - so we are able to enter the realms of the Zora now, to buy flippers.

On our way we also gathered 4 more pieces of heart to obtain one more heart containerand 1 heart piece after having the flippers.

The ice rod, an item upgrading fairy and a bottle crossed our way, too.

That's all for the explaination folks, just watch the video

See you next time!!!

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