Many new Monsters are waiting for, especially the Nergigante, the new Flagship Elder Dragon, that Looks a little like a hybrid between Teostra and Diablos and is extremely annoying, just like he was in the last Beta when you had to defeat him in 15 minutes compared to 20 for the other wyvern in the other 3 quests.
All of the Areas are extremely huge and wild and you can freely explore them, no more loading Screens between the Areas, that's amazing, so you can track the reatures a lot better when they try to escape.
I was waiting for the latest installement of this great series for a long time now and was looking Forward to the release since I tried the demo the first time at Tokyo Game Show.
Grab your disc for CAPCOM's Monster Hunter World on PS4 or XBOX One now and JOIN THE HUNT!!!
See You in the jungle, soon, let's join forces andhunt together!